
Hard day

  It's been a while since I posted. Sorry about that. Life doesn't like to be merciful. :P I have school, writing, editing, packing, and guitar to catch up on.
        My day has been crazy. Fundraising for clogging, out in the cold. I despise fundraising. My amp wouldn't work either. So I had to do a little experimenting. Is it the adapter? The cord? Tonight my Dad figured it out. I'm going to need a new ipod. Oh, joy. Just what I want to do. Go buy another expensive item. How am I supposed to save for a car?
        Then I had to get ready for work. I was a little late. And I was feeling down because my clogging class didn't really participate in the fundraiser like I had hoped and. . .it didn't go really bad, but it could have been better. Let's just say, I was feeling very un-thought-of. And just my general unhappy as of late. I almost walked into work with my plaid shoes on! Honestly, our uniform could use a little fun. Jeans at least. But I would've been in so much trouble. Because we are supposed to be in "all black from the waist down." My blue and orange plaid shoes would stick out like a yellow duck among pure white swans. I had three minutes to dress in my work clothes and clock in. Then someone talked to me. But it was actually okay. Well, sort of. I clocked in five minutes late. I did apologize. And they didn't care. I'd be kicking myself if they did care. You see the person I talked with made my day brighter. A little less stressed, and I could smile. Well, until the exhaustion geared in, but that's a different story. A long story of staying up late and waking up early. Yeah, I should do something about that. Like sleep in? :)
          You are probably tired of reading posts like this. "Oh, here is how my day is. How awful it is. How bad I feel." Not the best picker-upper. I don't know why I am having a hard time being happy. Really. Philippians says to rejoice in the Lord. I've been wondering. Can I rejoice in the Lord and still feel unhappy (again with the stupid emotions)? I've come to think that it is possible. Because although I don't feel alright now. I know it's just a season. I know it will pass. That God will bring me through this. Whatever this is. That He has given me new life. I thank Him greatly for that. I have a hope. My hope is in Jesus. In His promises. I tried to force myself to be happy. Or choose to be happy. It doesn't work very well. But I can still rejoice. I still thank my God for being here for me. For loving me anyways right here, right now. He sends me notes that say, "You're not alone," "I"m thinking about you," "I love you," by sending people who make me smile when I'm down, who sit with me outside in the cold alone fundraising, who even though they don't know me  and can't fix my sound system problem they are still kind-spoken. God knows every single second that passes in my day, and He's got it all covered. Covered by His love and grace. It's really amazing. So I am feeling thought-of. Thought of from God. :) That's the best feeling ever.
          So someone offered me a job today. Yeah, that's part of the stress too. It's a better job. In many ways. Most important, it's more flexible. I might actually be able to tutor English next semester at the college and work this one job. If I want to be an editor, the tutor would be good experience. I hope at least. The only thing is I'm just getting used to the job I have now. And there are some people I know I would miss. That's what happened to my other/first job. Someone offered me something better just when I was getting comfortable. And now I really miss all the people I worked with. From this job, I won't miss as many people. But some? Yes, very much so. And does God really want me to move? Again? I guess I'm supposed to break out of my comfort zone. But wouldn't I need a comfort zone first? Oh, well. I'll probably take the job. My parents are already talking like I'm going to take it. I haven't told them for sure that I am. :P They did that last time too. But this time I'm more sure, myself, that I'll probably take it. The bad side: I dread the two weeks after my notice. But, hey, it's only two weeks, right?
         This post is the longest ever. And you're probably either asleep at the screen or you've stopped reading a long time ago. If not, then thank you for putting up with my oh so brief life update. Yours is probably equally if not more menacing? How are you? Feel free to leave a comment. I'd love to read about what ever you want to write about. Go ahead. Spill out your life tragedies.
         So how are you?

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