
Favorite bands

          I'm so excited! Tomorrow I plan to see one of my favorite artists in concert. For King and Country. I can't wait.

           I'm even more excited that Anthem Lights' new album has come out. Anthem Lights is my absolute favorite. (sorry For King and Country, but it's the truth)

           I will have to say one of the things I like best about these artists is their music. It's not mill of the road at all. For King and Country always has a great piano, and I love their drum beats. And they always have a good blending of all the instruments together. I love their ear for music They're lyrics are really good too. I have a hard time choosing which one of their songs is my favorite.

          Anthem Lights is an amazing group as people and what they stand for and believe. I'd say the same for For King and Country except I don't know much about the individuals. They're music, like For King and Country, is also amazing. The acoustic versions of their songs are the best! Though the acoustic guitar is one of my favorite sounds so. . . I might be a bit biased. Just a bit. They each have great voices, but they know how to sing together. And their lyrics are the best. Always.

But what I like the most about both of these bands is that they are Christians who are amazing musicians. They are producing good music for Jesus whether or not the lyrics themselves mention Jesus. It's about excellence. To excel at something. I want to be like that in my writing. That even if my story doesn't have a typical Christian message, it still glorifies God. When it concerns Christian media, I hear a lot of people, both Christians and not, say that the quality of the song/story/movie isn't that great. And, unfortunately, they are right sometimes. I think it's because we Christians try to force the message instead of letting it come natural. But one day I hope to hear people say, "Those Christians, it seems like everything they set their hands turns out amazing. What is it about them?" And with bands like For King and Country and Anthem Lights, that might just happen.

           So to share some of their songs with you? It's a hard choice. I should share Anthem Lights' new original. And For King and Country we try one that doesn't air on the radio, something you may not have heard.


So what are some of your favorite bands and why?



The person in the corner

the one you never see

feelings without expression

words without a voice

he person in the corner

the one you never see

human with a heart

life with great potential

The person in the corner

the one you never see

the one who left

and you don't know where

just a note

          It's hard to remember sometimes, but-

Surviving is good.

Living is better.

          What would life be like if we took time to live? If we made if a point to not merely slog through each day. If we decided to do whatever is we do as if it was what we always wanted to do. If we went beyond ordinary and entered extraordinary. Simply by living and giving life to others. Work is only work if you work at it. Now if you play at it. . .


And let the speech begin

          Speech class started today. It's a small class, which is not so nerve-racking. All the same though, when I had to stand up and talk about the person in class who I was partnered with, I held my hands behind my back. Because I know if I didn't everyone would be able to see how much they shook. Ech. I hate how my hands tremble like that. And I also got the guy's name wrong too.

          I like to be prepared for class. That didn't happen today. My class was in the Drane Hall building, Room 111. I had never been in the Drane Hall building in my life. Didn't even know where on campus it was. Fortunately it's in the front. Unfortunately they moved the class to a completely different building. Fine Arts, Room 109. The only reason I had ever been in that building was because my best friend is in choir and occasionally I sit with her in class. But Room 109? I passed it twice. It was the ceramics room. Speech class in the clay stained room with a piano. Yes, a piano with the pottery. Music is supposed to stimulate inspiration, right? It had mostly these giant tables for people to stand and form mud at. I think we were lucky there were even chairs in the room. Now that I think of it, the chairs may not have been there before our speech class had been moved. The chairs/desks were crammed together in the small middle of the room. The kind of chairs that have a table top attached to them. Except these chairs would have done nicely for a second grade class room, not a college class room. The smallish side of smallness. Nor did I have the correct book. I fixed that after class though.

          I could say I explored the campus today, but. . . I still haven't been in every building.

          I'm still gone. Technically. So pretend you're not reading this. I'm at the college. But the internet in our house still needs to be wired. We are in our new house. But not every box and random item is in the house. And there are a lot of things. Everywhere.

          Well, anything else going on? Not really. The usual stress of life. But if you are out there reading-

           Hello out there into the virtual empty deepness.

           It's still echoing.
          I would love to hear, uh, read what you have to say. About anything. Since I don't seem to have a topic really for this blog. Just crazy life, you know. What do you want to say? Anything exciting? Anything you want to get off your chest? Anything amazingly random? Just anything at all?


Just another day

          Grab-your-attention title, right? That's okay.
          I'm actually supposed to be writing my history essay. Procrastination is a sneaky little thief.

          I'd like to write something in my WIP, but at the same time I feel so unmotivated to write anything in my fiction works (that I have any non-fiction works). I think it's because I've been spending so much time in the real world (not that it's a bad thing, but it kind of stifles the imagination, no?). I think I need to be reading more. I want to read more. But I'm having a hard time finding time, with moving, work, and pending history essays stories have taken the back burner.

         I really question why I;m going to school sometimes. I mean I'm learning a lot. And I enjoy Digital Publishing, as frustratingly stretching it is on my computer skills (or lack of). English 1301 was soooooo boring. But 1302? Glorious! We're actually reading stories and analyzing them. It makes me think that maybe I should read more literature. It's more than old stuffy style. But why do I have to take History? I'd rather be writing a story of my own. Or editing. I thought I was going to school to become a better writer and an editor, but how can it possibly be helping if I don't even have time to do those things? And after spring break, I have speech. Yuck. Who likes speech? One day I'll be glad I went to college. That's what I tell myself. Actually I tell myself something more like, I know I will regret it later if I drop out of college now. So I carry on. Bleh. Maybe I complain about it more than the subject deserves.

          Okay, history essay, prepare to be conquered.


roll your eyes melodramatic

         I haven't been kidnapped. I haven't been called away on a secret mission (what's taking them so long?). I haven't been unconscious in the hospital. Or run over by a meteorite. Or eaten by a roving, stray mountain lion. Or attacked by a wild, uncaged circus clown (I really don't understand the cliched clown-phobia).

         Unfortunately what has taken me away from my serious blogging duties is something far worse. I was seized by life. Yes, my few but certainly you are out there audience, I am a victim of the most common and yet tragic, um, tragic, uh- man, and I was on a role here! Oh, well. But it's true. Work, school, and- yuck!- moving (of all the things) has sucked me away from you.

         So I have to go soon. Because I'm typing this at the college. There's no internet in the RV. Inconvenient, I know. But life seems to be that way toward me. Inconvenient. I think it's against me.

         On a random note, I thought of a great title for a book that needs a story so I can right it, uh, write it. It would probably be a children's book. "The Clumsy Ballerina" The contradiction is what I like. And if you are, again, rolling your eyes, then, yes, I am very terrible with titles.

        On another not so focused note, I saw the movie "The Fellowship of the Rings" for the first time. The Lord of the Rings is seriously dark. And it has a terrible amount of backstory in the beginning. I had a hard time swallowing all the magic and sorcery. But the story itself. The tension between good and evil. It's so compelling and riveting. And- and- Gandalf died! Or supposedly died. That's just not right. I like how they tried to make every character in the new Hobbit movie look like the same character in Fellowship. I felt like I was watching a movie made yesterday. (Yeah, I'm not a special effects expert.) It makes me want to read the books. Even if Tolkien's style was hard for me to wade through in The Hobbit. The story is amazing. Classic. But I'm telling you things you already know. Everyone knows this. Sorry I'm behind you all, ooing and ahing and squeezing the movie into a paragraph because. I have to go.
       Hopefully I will be around more often, but no guarantees. Another inconvenience. I don't come with a lifetime warranty.