
"Today is not my day"

           Yesterday, well. . . it didn't go so well.

           To start it off, when I arrived at the college in the morning, I kind of dented the corner of someone's truck in the morning. I left a note on the windshield.

          Ear training was my first class. Everybody was really quiet. One of the students is very friendly; he talks to everyone. I knew he looked up and smiled at me when I came in, but I didn't look back at him. I was too busy feeling sorry for myself. Once I sat down, he said, "Everyone's in such a bad mood this morning." Someone else said that it was just too early (9:30a, that's not bad really), but I knew what he meant.

          The whole day featured me making mistakes, large and small, and getting lost in choir and piano. It just wasn't the best of times.
           My car insurance is probably going to go up. And we're already trying to figure out how to pay for my ambulance and hospital bill from when I totaled my car.
            It's one of those times when I think I can't do anything right. I just keep failing over and over again. 
           My Dad tried to cheer me up. And he said I should praise God even when I don't feel like it. And he's right. I should. I still feel bad about the truck. But things will get better. God has it under control. He'll take care of me.

           And I know God is with me through the whole day. There's things He does every day just to make people smile. Just because He loves them. No matter how bad they mess up. He doesn't care.

           For instance, that guy who smiled at me. God wanted to cheer me up. And I turned Him down. I have a friend from work who is also in choir. We sat next to each other. She always makes things fun. And it's hard to have feel sorry for yourself when you're around her.

           Now she isn't a Christian, but God can use people who aren't Christians too. They don't know, and He probably doesn't do it often or to a large degree. But He does. In the Bible, He warned Pharaoh  that there was going to be a famine. Pharaoh didn't fear God at that time. But God was going to protect his lands (and help Joseph out). He used Pharaoh's preparedness for the famine to help Joseph's family and reunite them. And He didn't give the dream to Joseph or someone who feared God. God gave the dream to Pharaoh himself. What about Nebuchadnezzar and all his dreams? Or Cyrus king of Persia? He ordered the temple of the Lord to be rebuilt and for the exiles of Israel to return to Jerusalem.

           I digress. Forgive me.

           Then of course my Dad tried to cheer me up too. He spent some time with me (part of the time he actually didn't talk, it was amazing). :) That was nice. And he bought me gummy bears on his way home for work.

           God is always here. And I'll praise Him no matter what happens.

"Some days I'm feeling like
I can't win can't get it right
Don't matter how hard I try
Today is not my day

When it feels like I'm going crazy
And it looks nothing's changing
Come sun, come rainy day
You are still the same. . ."

-Chris August, Center of It



Life without VeggieTales?


The Thankful song. :)

                                                                                                                                                                            What kind of person doesn't love his lips?

And my favorite silly song. :)

Maybe it helps when you have younger siblings and help in kids church often.

Calm before the Strom

           Sorry I haven't posted as frequently. College started up this week. And with my major change. Yes, I'm learning a new language. Music. It's nice.

           So far theory hasn't been too bad. I'm still having trouble recognizing notes. But half of what we've gone over I studied for my placement test. And the half- I take a lot of notes. But my textbook has yet to arrive in the mail. *sigh* The last book.

           Yesterday was ear training and sight singing. Haven't gotten to the singing part yet. Agonizing suspense. I'm sure once the ice is broken and I've attempted to sing in front of others a couple times it won't be so bad. Now the writing notes while our instructor plays part. That was yesterday. And the first time, I missed everything. I'm not sure if I could have written any worse than I had. But the second time. I got most of it on the first try! I was so proud of myself. I actually got something. But it was simple notes. It will be getting more difficult soon. I'm bracing myself.

          Piano. So far not bad. I don't already play, but we just worked on posture and then note identification. These class overlap often, which helps ingrain in it the brain better. :) Maybe that's why they're all like one or two credits only. But again, I'm anticipating it to become harder.

          So I really, really need to work on note identification. And piano practice. As well as guitar. I have yet to have my guitar lesson yet though. I'm extremely excited. . . and nervous about it! Tomorrow. One more day! I can't wait. :)

           Now choir is another story. Uh, I'm already lost. They started with scales. Hm. Yes, explain this to me again? No, there's no explain. Just sing with everyone else like you know what you're doing and you'll get it eventually. *gulp* Or we hope so at least. Then there's soprano and alto. (the only reason I know the difference between soprano/alto/tenor etc. is because I asked a friend the day before school.) I'm not sure which one I am. Technically we aren't divided into sections yet. . . But it kind of sounds like we are. I'll get this. One day.

           Next time. I'll try to post something more interesting. :P Like a song maybe.


"You meet me right where I am"

One of the first CDs my parents got me when I turned fifteen, fourteen maybe, was a Zoegirl album called Room to Breathe. That was one of the first times music was so relevant to the circumstances in my life. I listened to that album all the time, knew all the words to every song. It helped bring me closer to God, in time when I striving so hard to be closer to Him. I love it when God gives you a whole album you can relate to.

           In 2010ish, I picked out a CD from the huge stack of albums we have in the living room. (Tons of older artists my mom used to listen too, like Kim Boyce and David Meece, WOW CDs, and a million Carmen albums, grew up listening to him, and possibly more Steven Curtis Chapman.) It happened to be Steven Curtis Chapman's Speechless. This may be the album he's most known for. I listened to that whole thing all the time. It was like the last verse of for King and Country's Crave 'You [God] meet me right where I am.' We even had the book that accompanied it (I think I finished it). That CD helped me through a lot of uncertainty in my life. I graduated that year. 'Whatever' was my slideshow song.

           I've been kind of looking for a new album that I can relate with. My mom came into my room a month or so ago and said that she had bought one of Building 429's albums. Listen to the Sound. So I kinda, may have. . . confiscated the CD. I've seen them in concert twice. They're really good. The first song I heard them sing at WinterJam has been forever stuck in my mind. I'm glad I know all the words now. :) Made For You. Especially the break:

You are God. There is no other.
I won't bow before another.
I was made for,
I was made for You.

           It will just play over and over in my mind at random times. It's a good reminder. And, maybe, it's something God is trying to teach me. That He is God. He alone is God. I can't place anyone else in my life higher than Him. And if I do, life becomes empty, because I was made for Him. And, honestly, that is so nice to know.

           I don't have a boyfriend, never have. And sometimes I would like to have someone special in my life, and sometimes I'm glad I don't. I know I'm not ready for that yet. But now that I'm twenty-one, my parents seem to be. . . I don't know, not panicked, but, hm, concerned maybe? That I've never had anyone special and there's really no one around whom I'm interested in. And sometimes the way that they talk makes it seem like they think all I'm good for is to be married off and then have more kids. And I know they don't mean it that way. They really don't. That's just the impression that I get. And I know it's not true. It's just lies, and I shouldn't let it bother me. But sometimes, it does anyways.

           Maybe God wants me to run toward Him and not be distracted by anything else right now. Because I was made for Him. More than likely marriage and a family is a part of His plan, and I'm good with that. But God is my main goal. He always will be. And maybe I need to re-focus on Him more. As single young adult girl it's easy to lose sight of that. Maybe for single young adult guys too. (Isn't that what people are calling us now? Young adults?) Especially when I see all my good friends married or engaged or at least with someone. And the whole world insists you must have someone or you're a misfit and get left behind.

           I was made for God. Made to please Him. To bring Him glory. And I enjoy doing that (even though it does get challenging, a lot). And I know it will please Him if I wait for that person that He has planned for me to be with. So I will. And while I do so, I'll continue and will always continue to pursue my main objective: to love God with all my heart, mind, and soul. To know Him. To live for Him. To worship God with all that is in me.




The F Chord- Again

           I'm learning to play Forgiven by Skillet. Hopefully I have the rhythm correct. I love this song. The lyrics are easy, and I love to worship with it. Also I know all of the chords fairly well, except for the F chord.

           Well, I know how to play an F chord. But changing from one chord to an F chord? Successfully without any buzzing or muffled strings? Uh, no. But song has a lot of chord changing, so I'm getting my practice in. I found it interesting that the song's chords are mostly C, G, F, and with a little Am. My Dad told me once that my grandpa says you can play most all songs if you know C, G, and F. It's proving to be good advice.

           The chord change is really fast. I finally get my fingers all in the right place, and then I have to change again. I've been working on it for a while, and I can tell that I've progressed some. But still. . . I feel like I'm in a rut. Because I've been trying to perfect this song for the last month or so.

            Sometimes I just drop the song and practice changing the chords instead. Try to find better or faster ways to get my fingers in the right place at the right time. Unfortunately my C chord now buzzes annoyingly, when before I had it down well.

           I did find out that if I stretch my fingers farther apart it normal sounds better, than if I try to keep them close together. Makes sense, since they're all on different frets. Even though my fingers are long, they don't much like parting company. Well, they'll have to get used to it.

           And I've been practicing the F bar chord. Heh, I kind of play the cheater's version now for Forgiven. But I will get there. One day. . .

           So my practice time has been frustrating recently. It's hard to enjoy it. To relax and unwind with it like I used to. Perhaps I try too hard. Maybe it's possible to be over-determined. For some reason I feel behind, like I should've gotten this down by now, so I'm afraid to take a break.

           But last night I played outside. The night was cool and beautiful. With a hint of creepy. I knew the night could be loud, but I wasn't expecting that much noise from the woods. A couple times I could've been certain something watched me from trees. But I played on. It had to be my imagination.

           I let myself try to play other songs. Ones I didn't have the tabs for, but I tried to recall by memory and see if I could come up with something. It was fun, even though I knew I wasn't playing it correctly. It was like I had to give myself permission to mess up. That it was okay to just have fun with it. I alternated between that, practicing Forgiven, and the F bar chord. Definitely less stressful.

          I know the lyrics fairly well, and have played along with Forgiven on my ipod. My timing was better than I had expected on the chorus and my changing chords has improved some in the chorus. So I got brave and tried singing along with it. And I was really surprised-

          I could actually do it! Without messing up on the strumming. Not that I'm great at singing, but- Wow, I could sing and play simultaneously! I had been sure I couldn't do it in a million years. Shows what I know. I was so excited! That helped take away some frustration too. I still can't sing the whole song without losing the strumming pattern (the chorus' pattern is rather easy). All the same, now I know it's not near impossible. I'm actually feeling rather encouraged.

           And just in time, I had been so discouraged because it was taking me awhile to get Forgiven down. And the F chord. God sends you surprises at just the right time.

          I signed up for guitar private instruction this semester. Today my teacher called me about when to meet with me and talk about what we'll be learning. He's trying to convince me to be a part of guitar ensemble. I really want to. I need to be around other people who play guitar. Share in musical comradeship. :) But I need to work too. So I'll pray about it. 


Fight Forever

Anthem Lights has a new single out! Fight Forever.

           Okay, so I'm a late in posting this. But that's okay. I love Fight Forever. Anthem Lights have been doing a lot of covers recently. And I like Best Thing. But this one's different. This one is like our battle cry as Christians. Well, sort of. When I think 'battle cry,' my mind's dictionary doesn't flip to 'pop song to challenge enemy.' Hm, no. Try 'discordant sound to challenge enemy.' But we'll call it a poetic battle cry (since my brain insists on being geeky).

            I love the lyrics! They are powerful. Motivating. It's one of my favorite songs they've written. Tying with 'Can't Get Over You,' 'Where the Light Is,' and 'Hide Your Love Away' (so I can't pick an absolute favorite, must I apologize?).

           The music video. I enjoyed the beginning of it. It was really well done. But, well. . . As a Christian and a novelist-in-training, I'm consistently being warned about how cliched most Christian media is. And one of those cliches is toning down just how dark evil is. Because we don't want to see how bad evil is. It's not clean. It's messy and wrong. And we tone it down to Noah in this cute little boat that floated on water that rose higher than mountains (maybe higher than mountains if you're not like me). When, really, Noah's ark resembled more a giant box than a boat. And it stormed. The first time it ever rained, and the clouds let it rip. Lightning, thunder, tsunamis, hurricanes, everything.

            If we don't show the full force of evil, than how can we show the full force of God's love? If evil and sin aren't that bad. If it isn't that powerful, than when God saves us from it, well, He really must not be that powerful either. And it seems maybe we didn't even need Him. But none of that is true. Evil is powerful. It's sinister. It's bondage. It's sorrow. It's seething dark. I'm not saying we should take joy in it or be over-zealous in portraying it. But we should be honest about it. Realistic. Truthful. The stars don't shine at twilight. You don't need stars at twilight. They shine at midnight, at the darkest time. When you need to see. And every time I attend a Christian writers conference, it's jammed into my head more and more. To be honest about both the dark and light.

          So I was a little uneasy when they fought the shadows with dodge balls. It was effective. It got the message of the song through. And I can understand why they wouldn't want to show, like, a real battle or anything but. . . I don't know. I felt it down played the impact of the song. But it's just me. Certainly I'm being over-sensitive.

           All the same, my love for Anthem Lights has not diminished. I still love their songs. And I think their lyrics are very powerful, and courageous since being so unmistakably Christian is looked down on. And not only the lyrics, but the music is also excellent. They stand out. They have talent and aren't afraid to use it for Jesus.
           And they usually are rather honest about sin and evil in their lyrics. All the time. Circles. I love that song. It's so accurate about a Christian's life, about my life. And what about Freedom Into Slavery? I love how realistic they are about what a Christian's life is like. I wish Christian books were more like that. Maybe the genre wouldn't be so look down on if it were more honest. And maybe that's why I'm slightly disappointed. Because they usually do show evil for what it is. And I expected it again. That's okay. It was just the music video. The song itself is still one of my favorites.

           And I must say I like this lyric video best out of all of them. :)





           Tuesday I wondered when my Anthem Lights CD would arrive. I suspected it to be another week. But I was so excited; I couldn't stop thinking about it throughout the day. Waiting isn't usually fun, but this waiting was. And when we got home that evening, I checked the mail- and- and-

           It was there! The Anthem Lights CD. I was ecstatic I went around the house telling my family,

           "Guess what? My Anthem Lights CD is here!"


            I told everyone. Even my brother, who didn't hear me because he was sleeping. (No, I didn't have the heart to wake him.)

           I also ordered a cool Hide Your Love Away wristband.

           Just thought I'd let you know. :) It's awesome, by the way.


Not Always Logical

           I did it.
           Something crazy.
           I may have actually 'taken a risk.' I don't ever do that.
           For a while now I've been praying about changing my major to music. I don't know much about music. I've not been playing guitar for a year yet, and over the spring semester I slacked on practicing to study. And I know nothing of reading notes. When I was in high school I tried to teach myself to play the keyboard, but the book I used wasn't very explanatory and the notes soon became too hard for me to read.
          Music is something that has always interested me. I've always wanted to play an instrument. But I've always been afraid. Silly. I know. Very silly. But my parents used to me of liking something or doing something because one of my friends did it, or because it was 'popular.' Although I've rarely liked anything for those reasons (especially since I don't keep track of what's popular). Also I was afraid I just plain couldn't do it. That I wouldn't follow through, or would waste my time because I was terrible.
           My biggest hold back was that my immediate family isn't considered very musical. At all. None of my siblings or me can sing. They don't play any instruments. Except my dad; he plays the drums.
          My dad's told me that my grandpa can hear a song on the radio once and then go play it on his guitar. That once my aunt left her band instrument out and my grandpa figured out how to play it in an hour. (I wish I could do that). But my Dad and grandpa are the only signs of musicality in my family.
           Nobody expects it from me. And I don't know. To my parents and other people, I'm a writer, a book-lover, the quiet person you only think about when you happen to see me. Not much. In a way, it didn't seem my place, or expected place, to learn music.
           I've always loved music, more than most people realize. It's how I worship, and, sometimes, how I pray. After the Bible, it's what opens the door to God for me. The communication between Him and me. And somehow, even more so in recent years, I've wanted to be able to replicate that for others. I'd like to be on a worship team. But I also think I'd like to be able to help write the music to songs, and help record too.
           All of that has seemed rather fanciful though. I prayed about it. A lot. Someone spoke over my life once. Someone who I don't know, who said that God told them to tell me, that I was going to have an impact in music. That person asked if I could sing. Uh, no. Play an instrument. No, but do I wish. He said I'd better get busy learning. I prayed much about what he's said. And have made a lot of excuses.
           It's just not logical that I would play music. In my head, it doesn't make sense.
           Two weeks ago, I called someone from the music department at the community college about changing my major to music. She said she'd talk to some people and call me back. I knew if I was serious about this I would have to take a music theory test. The homeschooler in me wasn't going to let me go into a test knowing nothing. So I scoured the library and internet for music theory basics.
           Have you ever made a deal with God? Sounds weird, maybe. Maybe. I agreed that if she called me back and the interview/meeting I had with her went well, I would change my major this semester. If she didn't call me back, then I would stay on as an English major, and we'd (God and I) talk more about music next semester (that should've told me what I needed to do, if I knew the matter just couldn't be over). Oh, and she'd have to contact me Thursday or before since she said that's when she'd meet with me- if that happened, or course.
           I was so certain that she just wouldn't call me back. Because, well, it's summer. She's probably busy. School is not on her mind right now. I'm just some random person she's never met. She'll forget about it certainly. Although she didn't seem like someone who forgets something she said she'd do when I talked on the phone with her. But I was convinced she would forget. Because. . . why would God want me to major in music? To do anything in music, beyond playing in my bedroom or on a worship team? This was just me wanting some silly, unattainable, child-like dream, like when I wanted to be an ice skater. He'd let her forget, because it wasn't what He wanted. It just wasn't logical, to me.
           I was so convinced I told my friend on Monday that I wouldn't be changing my major. I never do that if I'm still uncertain.
           Ahem, she called back. Tuesday. I had to go back to my friend- "Uh, you remember what I told you yesterday that I was for certain going to keep my major, uh, well. . ." 
           I was going crazy. In a good yet nervous way. I looked at the music classes  schedule. How would I have time for work? The work I need because I also now need a car? I could work evenings, and Saturdays. I prayed even harder that this was what God wanted. Because He would make it work out, somehow. He always makes things work out, not easily, because there's just no fun in that. Life is rarely convenient.
           When I met with the lady (she's really nice), we talked. She had me take the theory placement. You know how people say not to leave a test question blank, because if you guess at it then at least you have a chance? I didn't even know what to guess at! Especially with naming the individual notes. I tried to find some pattern. Make some kind of sense out of it. But music doesn't always have to be logical, I'm learning. I wasn't completely lost (thank you study time). I had to separate the measures on the staff, guessed at that too, but she said I had good rhythm, a little shaky, not perfect, but not too bad. I saw her make about three corrections that I wished she would explain because I so wanted to understand. She was very impressed that I knew what a double sharp looked like. No idea why.
             She asked me, "So do you want to do this?"
             I gave her a nervous smile and a not-too fast answer. "Sure."
             When she scheduled me for music classes, she didn't put me in remedial music theory. Hopefully that's a good thing. But she did put me in choir. Uh, I told her. But perhaps it needs emphasizing. I don't sing. Not because I don't want to. Just because, you don't want to hear me (sometimes I don't want to hear me).
           Now. I. am. nervous! This is insane. It's like learning a foreign language immersion style. Because music is another language. And, for me, it is immersion. Five days a week. (And again the homeschooler in me is hoping it can keep up her 4.0 GPA, while the rest of me tells her to be quiet because at this point that is just no longer relevant). The lady said that the first semester is what makes or breaks music majors. *chews fingernails* If you stick to it, do the work, and practice, you'll do splendid. But- but what if I just can't understand the work? And time? It's such an elusive thing.
          But at the same time. I am so excited. This is actually happening. And I can do this. If God thinks I can do this- if He is with me, then what's to stop me? I even already know some people who are in music . Which is good, I think. Because I'm not the best at making friends. Motivation can come from like-minded groups. And- and this is HAPPENING! (you know I'm excited when I succumb to all caps).
           So my point in this long-winded post? God is not always logical. He created it, yes. But He likes surprises too. He likes to show you just what really is possible. Maybe I need to stop putting God in a box. I didn't realize I was. But I did. I tried to put a lid on Him. There is no limit to what God can do. Walking around an enemy city and then screaming at it to defeat it is just not logical. But if God tells you to do it, then the walls will shatter under your sound waves. 
           *sighs* I still feel bad for Mr. Haedge of the choir room.



I'm sorry I've been gone so long.

           I really have little excuse. Except that I've been rather burned-out. My mind is every where right now. And I can seem to focus like I used to.

           The other day I picked up a book at the library on teaching yourself the guitar. What I didn't realize was that it was for classical guitar. I had no idea what classical guitar was exactly, but I was pretty sure it wasn't what I normally listen to. All the same, I'm all for trying something new. Especially if it has to do with the guitar.

           So today I typed in 'classical guitar' to see if I could find out what I'd be. . . attempting to learn. It's absolutely beautiful! I don't know if I can do it. But I definitely like it. It sounds amazing. Every individual sound, you can hear it.

           An example:

                                          (the Pink Panther-classical guitar, by Michael Lucarelli)

           On another note, I finally found where I can actually buy Anthem Lights Covers album in CD format. There was a link to their online store under their music videos on YouTube. :P Should've figured that out sooner. Oh, well. I'm excited now. :)

           I also finally finished The Fellowship of the Ring. I wrote a post on it at my writing blog here.