
"Today is not my day"

           Yesterday, well. . . it didn't go so well.

           To start it off, when I arrived at the college in the morning, I kind of dented the corner of someone's truck in the morning. I left a note on the windshield.

          Ear training was my first class. Everybody was really quiet. One of the students is very friendly; he talks to everyone. I knew he looked up and smiled at me when I came in, but I didn't look back at him. I was too busy feeling sorry for myself. Once I sat down, he said, "Everyone's in such a bad mood this morning." Someone else said that it was just too early (9:30a, that's not bad really), but I knew what he meant.

          The whole day featured me making mistakes, large and small, and getting lost in choir and piano. It just wasn't the best of times.
           My car insurance is probably going to go up. And we're already trying to figure out how to pay for my ambulance and hospital bill from when I totaled my car.
            It's one of those times when I think I can't do anything right. I just keep failing over and over again. 
           My Dad tried to cheer me up. And he said I should praise God even when I don't feel like it. And he's right. I should. I still feel bad about the truck. But things will get better. God has it under control. He'll take care of me.

           And I know God is with me through the whole day. There's things He does every day just to make people smile. Just because He loves them. No matter how bad they mess up. He doesn't care.

           For instance, that guy who smiled at me. God wanted to cheer me up. And I turned Him down. I have a friend from work who is also in choir. We sat next to each other. She always makes things fun. And it's hard to have feel sorry for yourself when you're around her.

           Now she isn't a Christian, but God can use people who aren't Christians too. They don't know, and He probably doesn't do it often or to a large degree. But He does. In the Bible, He warned Pharaoh  that there was going to be a famine. Pharaoh didn't fear God at that time. But God was going to protect his lands (and help Joseph out). He used Pharaoh's preparedness for the famine to help Joseph's family and reunite them. And He didn't give the dream to Joseph or someone who feared God. God gave the dream to Pharaoh himself. What about Nebuchadnezzar and all his dreams? Or Cyrus king of Persia? He ordered the temple of the Lord to be rebuilt and for the exiles of Israel to return to Jerusalem.

           I digress. Forgive me.

           Then of course my Dad tried to cheer me up too. He spent some time with me (part of the time he actually didn't talk, it was amazing). :) That was nice. And he bought me gummy bears on his way home for work.

           God is always here. And I'll praise Him no matter what happens.

"Some days I'm feeling like
I can't win can't get it right
Don't matter how hard I try
Today is not my day

When it feels like I'm going crazy
And it looks nothing's changing
Come sun, come rainy day
You are still the same. . ."

-Chris August, Center of It


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