
"You meet me right where I am"

One of the first CDs my parents got me when I turned fifteen, fourteen maybe, was a Zoegirl album called Room to Breathe. That was one of the first times music was so relevant to the circumstances in my life. I listened to that album all the time, knew all the words to every song. It helped bring me closer to God, in time when I striving so hard to be closer to Him. I love it when God gives you a whole album you can relate to.

           In 2010ish, I picked out a CD from the huge stack of albums we have in the living room. (Tons of older artists my mom used to listen too, like Kim Boyce and David Meece, WOW CDs, and a million Carmen albums, grew up listening to him, and possibly more Steven Curtis Chapman.) It happened to be Steven Curtis Chapman's Speechless. This may be the album he's most known for. I listened to that whole thing all the time. It was like the last verse of for King and Country's Crave 'You [God] meet me right where I am.' We even had the book that accompanied it (I think I finished it). That CD helped me through a lot of uncertainty in my life. I graduated that year. 'Whatever' was my slideshow song.

           I've been kind of looking for a new album that I can relate with. My mom came into my room a month or so ago and said that she had bought one of Building 429's albums. Listen to the Sound. So I kinda, may have. . . confiscated the CD. I've seen them in concert twice. They're really good. The first song I heard them sing at WinterJam has been forever stuck in my mind. I'm glad I know all the words now. :) Made For You. Especially the break:

You are God. There is no other.
I won't bow before another.
I was made for,
I was made for You.

           It will just play over and over in my mind at random times. It's a good reminder. And, maybe, it's something God is trying to teach me. That He is God. He alone is God. I can't place anyone else in my life higher than Him. And if I do, life becomes empty, because I was made for Him. And, honestly, that is so nice to know.

           I don't have a boyfriend, never have. And sometimes I would like to have someone special in my life, and sometimes I'm glad I don't. I know I'm not ready for that yet. But now that I'm twenty-one, my parents seem to be. . . I don't know, not panicked, but, hm, concerned maybe? That I've never had anyone special and there's really no one around whom I'm interested in. And sometimes the way that they talk makes it seem like they think all I'm good for is to be married off and then have more kids. And I know they don't mean it that way. They really don't. That's just the impression that I get. And I know it's not true. It's just lies, and I shouldn't let it bother me. But sometimes, it does anyways.

           Maybe God wants me to run toward Him and not be distracted by anything else right now. Because I was made for Him. More than likely marriage and a family is a part of His plan, and I'm good with that. But God is my main goal. He always will be. And maybe I need to re-focus on Him more. As single young adult girl it's easy to lose sight of that. Maybe for single young adult guys too. (Isn't that what people are calling us now? Young adults?) Especially when I see all my good friends married or engaged or at least with someone. And the whole world insists you must have someone or you're a misfit and get left behind.

           I was made for God. Made to please Him. To bring Him glory. And I enjoy doing that (even though it does get challenging, a lot). And I know it will please Him if I wait for that person that He has planned for me to be with. So I will. And while I do so, I'll continue and will always continue to pursue my main objective: to love God with all my heart, mind, and soul. To know Him. To live for Him. To worship God with all that is in me.



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