
'Give this life away'

              Sorry I haven't been posting. I'm not sure what to post exactly. And I've been busy with school and trying to get enough rest.

            But I don't know. I haven't been spending enough time with God. I try. I read my Bible in the morning. I try to really think about what I've read and how it applies to me today. But sometimes I feel so drained and empty. So far away.

           And then I wonder what I'm doing anything for. Why have goals? Why try to accomplish something? Because I can't accomplish anything of worth outside of God. The biggest and best accomplishment is living for Him. Even if nobody knows (though somebody would if I really am living for Him), He knows and that's what matters.

           God is the only one worth living for. I just feel far from Him right now. I need to refocus on Him.

By the way this Anthem Lights' new song soon to be in their second album! Excitement all around, right?



  1. I've been having trouble with that, too. Even at Bible college, it's hard to find time to spend with God. It's especially hard to find a quiet spot in a dorm! lol

    1. Oh, I'm sure so! I don't know what I would do if I lived on campus. It's hard to find a place to be alone and think when I'm just on campus for classes. I usually go to our library and find an empty corner or isle when I want a quiet spot. Libraries are so underestimated; they often have few people in them.

      I've realized that I haven't really been praying as much as I used too. I haven't asked Him for help in the normal things, like with my classes, when I'm at work, when I'm trying to relate to or talk to people. But I haven't been surrendering the big things to Him either, like when and where I'm going to transfer, my financial and car situations, what other people think about me, etc. I've been trying to trust in Him more, ask Him for help in everything I do, and give Him the things that I am undecided about and can't control.


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