
Mere Goofiness

          Just thought I'd let you know that the writer side of me was interviewed! Exciting, no? No? Well, that's okay. Maybe it didn't make your day. But that's fine, you know. Different things thrill each person. I can understand. But if you do want to read it, Miss Jack interviewed me here. :D

           And I wrote a eulogy. Uh, yeah. That doesn't sound particularly thrilling either. :P

We went everywhere together
It was more fun with you
My Dad liked you
Recommended you
Despite your quirks
You had something against CDs
But the radio was a must
Though you played it loud and poorly
I had to work to unlock your doors
But after a while
I got the knack of it
And you mad it easier.
Once we went to Arlington
Or we meant to
We found Euless instead
Being lost wasn't so scary with you
You lit the road through the darkness
Always cool in the heat
You made me more independent
I felt small compared to your height
You were always a gentleman
It could've last forever.
But that accident
The world spun and we were so scared
Yet with God's help you kept me safe
You gave your life
I'll always remember you for it
And every second.
To the best first car
A two-door Ford Explorer
To Mortimer

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