
A Crash

            Monday on my way home, I over corrected my vehicle twice. Then it rolled. Really all I could think to do was scream for Jesus. And He kept me safe. I have a few scrapes and bruises, but that's all. And really, I wasn't as sore as I expected myself to be. God is so good. My car is dead. Which tells me I could be so much worse off. I thank God I'm not. All the praise and glory goes to God. If you want to read more about my experience you can go here to my other blog. Right now I'm just taking it as maybe I'm doing something right (maybe) and Satan tried to stick his foot out to stop me and God wouldn't let that happen.

           Here's a song one of my friends wrote. It's my favorite out of all the ones she's showed me. Here's Chelsee Jablonski and her song I Love You.


  1. :) Awe! Thanks so much! It's crazy cuz I didn't realize but the recording is messed up but it's the one I've gotten the most views on. Not sure if they're watching it 'cause of the song or the fact that it looks weird. lol!

    1. It's not that big a deal. It's mostly the image that messes up. The audio is fine; which is what matters when it comes to music. :)


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