
And let the speech begin

          Speech class started today. It's a small class, which is not so nerve-racking. All the same though, when I had to stand up and talk about the person in class who I was partnered with, I held my hands behind my back. Because I know if I didn't everyone would be able to see how much they shook. Ech. I hate how my hands tremble like that. And I also got the guy's name wrong too.

          I like to be prepared for class. That didn't happen today. My class was in the Drane Hall building, Room 111. I had never been in the Drane Hall building in my life. Didn't even know where on campus it was. Fortunately it's in the front. Unfortunately they moved the class to a completely different building. Fine Arts, Room 109. The only reason I had ever been in that building was because my best friend is in choir and occasionally I sit with her in class. But Room 109? I passed it twice. It was the ceramics room. Speech class in the clay stained room with a piano. Yes, a piano with the pottery. Music is supposed to stimulate inspiration, right? It had mostly these giant tables for people to stand and form mud at. I think we were lucky there were even chairs in the room. Now that I think of it, the chairs may not have been there before our speech class had been moved. The chairs/desks were crammed together in the small middle of the room. The kind of chairs that have a table top attached to them. Except these chairs would have done nicely for a second grade class room, not a college class room. The smallish side of smallness. Nor did I have the correct book. I fixed that after class though.

          I could say I explored the campus today, but. . . I still haven't been in every building.

          I'm still gone. Technically. So pretend you're not reading this. I'm at the college. But the internet in our house still needs to be wired. We are in our new house. But not every box and random item is in the house. And there are a lot of things. Everywhere.

          Well, anything else going on? Not really. The usual stress of life. But if you are out there reading-

           Hello out there into the virtual empty deepness.

           It's still echoing.
          I would love to hear, uh, read what you have to say. About anything. Since I don't seem to have a topic really for this blog. Just crazy life, you know. What do you want to say? Anything exciting? Anything you want to get off your chest? Anything amazingly random? Just anything at all?

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