

           I apologize. Again. The new URL is still not available. I'll see if I can change it to something else. This time we'll try:


           Certainly that won't be taken. Maybe. I'll change it on Friday.

           I just finished reading Inkheart by Cornelia Funke. I really enjoyed it. The POV was not as strong as I usually like it. But I love the world she created and the characters, though I do think the characters would've been stronger if the POV was better, but that's okay. It makes me want to re-read The Never-Ending Story. And Lord of the Rings. One day I will finish that.

           I set a goal for my writing. For once in my life. And now I see why I don't. Why do people torture themselves with deadlines? It's unnatural. I told myself that I need to reach a certain point in my manuscript by the end of June. Uh, I'm kind of close. . . if I write every day from now until then.

           But I'm always getting new ideas. Why can't they all wait until I finish the first idea? Why can't they come to me one at a time and patiently wait for their turn to be written. Must they are bombard me at once, screaming to be written, "Now, now! Now!" It's rather rude. But they are good ideas.

           What's strange is recently I've had ideas from dreams. Usually I wouldn't write off my dreams, because they are unintelligible,scary things. But there was one that was actually really good. Weird. But good for sci-fi. The other one. I had it the other night. I tried to write the notes down for it when my mom insisted on talking to me. I'm grateful for that dream though, because it didn't inspire a new story. Instead it added to one I've had in mind for a while, and my dream, for once, made the story more clear in my mind. I know how to begin in now. And the characters were so real too. I can't wait to start it.

           But I still have Oddball to finish.

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