
In Between- poem

For some reason whenever I sit down to write in the book I'm trying to finish, I end up writing something else. Maybe a bit of another book idea, or a poem. I'm not sure if it's a good thing, since I need to get that book done. But at least I'm writing.
For some reason though I can't edit the poems that I just write. To close to them I suppose. I have to flip through my journal to a poem I wrote months ago and edit it instead.

In Between

Waiting for
           life to begin
Waiting for
           night to end

Waiting for

for anything

Waiting for
           the answers
Waiting for
           the truth

Waiting for
          people to
Do what
           they do

To show me
           how they think
           what they want
                where they've been
              what they've done
When they're through

I'll wait to see
If they've noticed
That I'm not going to leave

Waiting for
Waiting for

For affirmation
           From You

How long
           Until I know
                 Until I can move
            Until I can do
Until You see me

Doing while
           I wait
Doing what
           must be done

Giving time
           to people
Giving them
           a part of me

Even when
           they do not see

It all means something
It all means nothing

Doing all
           the time
And getting

Because I'm
           still waiting
           for You


Mere Goofiness

          Just thought I'd let you know that the writer side of me was interviewed! Exciting, no? No? Well, that's okay. Maybe it didn't make your day. But that's fine, you know. Different things thrill each person. I can understand. But if you do want to read it, Miss Jack interviewed me here. :D

           And I wrote a eulogy. Uh, yeah. That doesn't sound particularly thrilling either. :P

We went everywhere together
It was more fun with you
My Dad liked you
Recommended you
Despite your quirks
You had something against CDs
But the radio was a must
Though you played it loud and poorly
I had to work to unlock your doors
But after a while
I got the knack of it
And you mad it easier.
Once we went to Arlington
Or we meant to
We found Euless instead
Being lost wasn't so scary with you
You lit the road through the darkness
Always cool in the heat
You made me more independent
I felt small compared to your height
You were always a gentleman
It could've last forever.
But that accident
The world spun and we were so scared
Yet with God's help you kept me safe
You gave your life
I'll always remember you for it
And every second.
To the best first car
A two-door Ford Explorer
To Mortimer


Success! Subway, and. . . toast

           The good news? The URL has been successfully changed to:


           Aces! Though I'm not sure if that effects you in anyway. But I apologize that it was so long in coming. :P

           I'm making grilled cheese for lunch. Grilled cheese is alright, I suppose. (*cough* Except when it's black!) It's a warm sandwich. Lots of people warm their sandwiches. Subway does. (the best of which is a Spicy Italian on flatbread with cheddar cheese, tomatoes, olives, mustard, and chipotle sauce, if you happen to like going to Subway that is).

           But I still don't get toast. Who wants crunchy bread? Just crunchy bread alone? Okay, perhaps a smear of butter. But butter doesn't have much flavor to begin with. The point escapes me.


Celebrate Freedom

I know I forgot to change the URL. I'll do it tomorrow. Uh, if I remember. :P Last weekend some friends, my mom, and I attended Celebrate Freedom. It's this huge outdoor Christian concert that KLTY hosts over July 4th weekend. And-

           It was amazing! There were many artists I was unfamiliar with like Royal Tailor and Capital Kings who I heard for the first time. And then there were artists like Jason Grey whose songs I've heard and love but never knew who played them. Now I know, and he is really good. He seems like a very humble person.

           Josh Wilson was there! He sang Carry Me. I love that song. And then he did an acoustic guitar instrumental of Amazing Grace. That was awesome. Really. I hope I can play like that one day.

           I liked Mandisa more than I expected. She's fun and loves to dance. Her new song, Overcomer, is really good.

           Jamie Grace! She was neat. Not like I had expected her, but really good. She was homeschooled and only 21. I didn't know that. I think I can relate. She has never been on date because she's waiting for the guy God has planned for her. Again, I can relate. She has a great personality and I love her zeal for God. She's very contagious.

           Switchfoot was last. They were pretty good. I don't know many of their songs though. If I had, I'm sure I would've enjoyed it more. They were a lot of fun, a good way to end the night.

           But my favorite was Toby Mac. :) First time to see him in concert and it was awesome. They have so much energy! So much variety. And I love their hearts for God. They enjoy what they do and they do it for Him and hope to inspire others to look to God also.

           Now I feel more inspired to go and do the same. To use my talents for Christ. My writing. And I really hope one day my guitar playing will be good enough to actually play in worship at church or something. That it would draw people in worship and closer to God.



A Crash

            Monday on my way home, I over corrected my vehicle twice. Then it rolled. Really all I could think to do was scream for Jesus. And He kept me safe. I have a few scrapes and bruises, but that's all. And really, I wasn't as sore as I expected myself to be. God is so good. My car is dead. Which tells me I could be so much worse off. I thank God I'm not. All the praise and glory goes to God. If you want to read more about my experience you can go here to my other blog. Right now I'm just taking it as maybe I'm doing something right (maybe) and Satan tried to stick his foot out to stop me and God wouldn't let that happen.

           Here's a song one of my friends wrote. It's my favorite out of all the ones she's showed me. Here's Chelsee Jablonski and her song I Love You.